
Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Why do bad things happen to good people?

Ah, the age old question. I've contemplated this question for quite some time, and I believe I've come to a conclusion. Bad things happen to us, so we will realize how much we need God's help.

We all need God. It's obvious. None of us would be alive unless God allowed it. We as humans often stray from God's path thinking "Hey! I'm doing pretty good right now." And lots of times our minds are focused less on God and more on other worthless things. God allows bad things to happen so we will break and realize how much we really need Him. It's a way He shows His love to us.

Your mom didn't spank you because she was mad at you (though she may have been and had a right to be) instead, she showed you love by spanking you. She wanted you to listen to her and obey her. Yes it hurt, but didn't it end up being a good lesson to learn from?
This, I believe, is another reason why God allows hurt into our lives. We may be disobeying Him and He wants us to learn from the hurt, so we don't keep going out of His will.

I believe that the overall reason is to bond closer with God. To realize that He loves and cares for us, and He's only teaching you a lesson. He doesn't hate you, He only did it to show you that you do indeed need Him. More than you ever thought before.    

                                                                 ~Faith :)  

Whatever... I'm going to keep rereading this and dislike it because its not really what I wanted... but whatever...